Finish your book.

Before you scroll down and try to hire me, please read the following:

I have an insanely high standard for books.

Sadly, many books today are — for lack of a kinder term — trash.

Some of that trash is marketed very well, so you might hear it on your favorite podcast. (where it is almost immediately forgotten).

Some of that trash sells many many copies (which are then left to rot in some consultants, basement, yard, sale, bins, or a digital library)

Some of that trash is simply presented as a business card (as in, it is used to make a connection, and then promptly discarded so that the “real business“ can take place)

I don’t write trash.

I don’t want my name on or near trashy writing.

I have no interest in showing up on the cover or in the acknowledgments of a book that does not pass my own personal standards of excellence.

SO, if we write a book together…

It is going to be excellent.

That means you are going to EARN IT by meeting my standards, or I am going to write it for you. There is no in-between.

Once the book is excellent, all that other stuff comes into play.

Excellent books deserve to be marketed well. (And I’d be happy to introduce you to a number of marketing and book launch consultants)

Excellent books deserve to sell a whole bunch of copies (and I can connect you with bestseller strategists who specialize in getting authors on “the big lists”)

Excellent books can, and do generate an enormous level of demand for a business (and in case you’re doing this backwards, I can introduce you to my business coach)

If we’re clear on all that, feel free to scroll, read, and click the button at the bottom.

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"While his logic was impeccable, what makes Todd’s help invaluable is the kindness with which he shares his insights. I believe that he could have told me that my manuscript needed a total rework and I would have been thrilled to dig in."

- Bernadette Stockwell

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"Todd had a huge impact on my writing development. He dissolved a whole load of bad habits... and gave me the direction and confidence I needed to lay foundations for my big projects. He was the perfect combination of expertise and encouragement."

- Amanda Maney