What Day is it?

Please take a moment, right now, and think about the miracle that is your life.

The fact that you are alive – right now, at this moment, and you just happen to be reading this – is completely impossible.

Yet here you are.

You get today, and then tomorrow, and then another day until you run out of days.

Why then, do we wonder what’s going to happen tomorrow? Why do we spend time dwelling on the past while, in the meantime, September 24th is breezing by, even at this moment? Why do we waste minutes thinking about how we could have done other minutes differently?

I say all that to say this:

If you are spending days doing things that make you miserable, please stop.

If the path you’re looking down does not make you happy, it’s time to start building a new path, either mentally or literally.

“Sounds good Todd! Should get up an hour earlier and add this list of 8 things to my morning routine?”


You should get up 5 minutes earlier and do one thing. Do that for a week. Then do repeat that next week.

“I hate my job. Should I quit my job?”


Check your attitude first. Don’t fool yourself into jumping off the dock with no exit. Every step builds on the next one, even if it’s a crappy, awful, ugly step. Start calling your work “fundraising.” (Thanks Bob Goff). Build an evil plan. Meet 100 new people. Save some cash. Then quit.

“I hate college. Should I quit?”

See answer above with this caveat – if you are going into debt, STOP EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW.

Student loans are a nightmare. Plus they never leave you. Plus you probably won’t get a job doing what you do. Plus you probably already know what you can be best at.

You are better off as a fry cook at McDonalds with no debt han a desk jockey with a car payment, rent payment, and NON-BANKRUPTABLE student debt.

True story.

“But my friends and I have a great time at the bar every week. Should I stop hanging out with them?”

Probably. Every step builds on the next one. Where is that particular step leading you?

Life really is too short. It goes so quickly. So quickly. SO quickly.

Your career, your relationships, your finances, are simply a combination of what you contribute to each of them on a daily basis.

You only get this one day.

What are you going to do with it?

Todd Brison

An optimist who writes.


4 Ways of Redefining Success


5 Things You Are Probably Afraid of As a Writer