
How to Make Money Writing
If you're anything like me, someone once told you something like this: "You never make any money writing." This comment, though well-meaning, often damns the dreams of Ernest Hemmingways and John Greens to be. It's the "any money" which …

Forget Going Viral and Do This Instead
After walking to the stage, pumping his fist, and yelling ecstatically, Chancelor Bennett gives a nervous chuckle when he gets behind the microphone. The crowd is on edge, waiting to see what this first-time Grammy winner will say. Every musical …

22 Resources to Help You Smack Writer’s Block in the Face
So here’s the deal. You’re a writer, right? And none of this “I’m an aspiring writer” or “I want to be a writer” nonsense. If you write, you’re a writer. In any case, if you’re a writer, you’re going to need some tools. I don’t pretend to be famous, …

10 Ways to Keep Coming Up With Ideas
There is this myth in the Creative community (probably because people like me use words like "Muse" and "Calling") that ideas simply strike out of the sky, and the Creative must merely act on them, waiting to act until this mystical lady comes to …

Journaling is Annoying. Here’s What I Do Instead
I know, I know. I've heard all the arguments for journaling. It's reflective. You learn about yourself. It keeps your life in perspective. But frankly, it just wasn't doing it for me. Whenever I write, I want to be moving toward something. …