
Sit in that chair, boy
And do as you’re told
Don’t worry, the time flies
And soon you’ll be old

Cause days go by quick
When you don’t need to think
Never mind all those dreams
And your Destiny’s wink

Sit in that chair, son
Keep your brain in your head
Doesn’t matter what you think
When you can’t sleep in bed

Cause the world doesn’t need
Any new revolutions
We’re all fine with the noise
And we’re used to pollution

Sit in that chair, dear
And sit up real straight
Put the food on the table,
The dishes all through by eight

Put aside all those dreams
of your big, bold new life
All that matters instead
Is you’ll be a good wife

Sit in that chair, now
Fill it full of the knowledge
That’s found nowhere else
But sixteen years of college

We’ll teach you it all
If you sit here forever
You can stay here, it’s safe
We’ll all hide here together

Sit in that chair, man
Go this way to meetings
Work on your eye contact,
A good handshake for greetings

You sure are important
I don’t know if they told you
(Even though two doors down,
They don’t even know you)

Sit in that chair, sir
We’ll take care of you now
Fill your windows with things
(But just four we allow)

This room sure is empty
Wipe away all those tears
Did you forget about people
As you stumbled through years?

There are lies in this world
Which are too cold to mention
But the chair is most grievous
And it gets no attention

Could be cause it’s just normal
Or perhaps cause it’s breezy
Few things are more dreadful
Than a life that is easy


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