5 Books to Increase Your Chances at Success

First of all, I’d like to point out as the world stands now, your best chance at being successful revolves around creating more than you consume.

Make stuff. Find solutions. Come up with ideas.

The most successful people are generally do-ers first, readers second. That being said,  I read all the freaking time and these books have been critical in my development:

Switch and Decisive – Chip and Dan Heath

In my opinion, these are must reads (if you just pick one, go with Decisive). Switch is all about organizational change – what causes it and how to replicate. If you’re working for anyone and not a freelancer, give it a go.

Financial Peace – Dave Ramsey

Not sure if you have any baggage around Ramsey, his politics, or his faith, but he’s got a completely no-nonsense approach around finance. Really, most of the finance books out there are similar. If you don’t like this one, get another. Either way, you can’t avoid being knowledgable in this area

Poke the Box – Seth Godin

A short, powerful read. Although written a few years ago, Godin was/is spot on about where the world is going, and ways to succeed in the new place.

Crazy Sexy Diet – Kris Carr

Taking care of your body early in your life is one of the best ways to spend your time. Admittedly I get most of my health information elsewhere, but you said books – this is the one. I’m not completely vegan or vegetarian like she is; however, there are a lot of food myths in here you should know about.

The Five Love Languages – Gary Chapman

Frankly, there aren’t a lot of “love management” books out there. This one is short, to the point, and will help you guide any kind of relationship for the rest of your life. I’ve read it 3 times and ALWAYS realize how I could be doing better with people.

(P.S. – If you can’t manage relationships, you don’t have a chance of being successful.)

These are 5 different references across 5 areas of life, which leads me to this point: stay balanced.

Two things happened when I became obsessed with business books:

  1. I dismissed time with people I love in the name of productivity.

  2. My finances started to flounder because, frankly, I was ignoring them.

People who tell you to “live it up” in your twenties are resigned to a miserable, boring life from 30 on. But if you plant seeds early, you can make them all jealous later.

Stay balanced, stay focused, read, and then most importantly:


(Btw, if you’re too busy to read a book, at least check out these 13 success quotes from my friend Kyle Young. It’s a quick win)

Todd Brison

An optimist who writes.


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